D. Whittington June 4, 2018 America, America the Beautiful, Beautiful Places, Interesting Things, New Mexico, Travel, Traveling Life's Highways, Veterans, Vietnam Memorial, Angel Fire Vietnam Veterans Memorial Angel Fire, New Mexico D. Whittington June 4, 2018 America, America the Beautiful, Beautiful Places, Interesting Things, New Mexico, Travel, Traveling Life's Highways, Veterans, Vietnam Memorial, Angel Fire “When sons or daughters die in battle, parents are confronted with the choice of what they will do to honor the courage and sacrifice of that son or daughter.” – Doc Westphall
D. Whittington May 28, 2018 America, Arlington National Cemery, Friends, Interesting Things, Traveling Life's Highways, Veterans, Memorial Day 2018 Memorial Day 2018 D. Whittington May 28, 2018 America, Arlington National Cemery, Friends, Interesting Things, Traveling Life's Highways, Veterans, Memorial Day 2018 “I asked for all things that I might enjoy life, I was given life that I might enjoy all things.”